Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Children Cancer - Teratoma

!: Children Cancer - Teratoma

In the teratomas are so-called embryonic tumors because they arise from fehlentwickeltem embryonic tissue. They may be benign or malignant. Teratomas in various parts of the body can be found, among others:

* to the coccyx and sacrum (about 50 percent of the teratomas)
* in the ovaries (approximately 20 percent)
* in the mediastinum (chest between the two lungs),
* in the testes,
* Back into the abdominal cavity and
* in the brain and spinal cord.

Typical is a reflex behind the pupil and inflamed eyes.
The symptoms depend on the location of the tumor. Located e.g. a palpable nodule in the area of the coccyx or the abdominal cavity, it comes to abdominal pain or respiratory symptoms. Daughter tumors (metastases) may form in the lymph nodes, lungs, liver and bones.

Is affected only one eye, this is usually removed.
The suspicion of the existence of a teratoma resulting from the typical symptoms and findings on physical examination. Further evaluation is carried out with the help of blood tests, X-ray of the chest, an ultrasound scan of the abdomen, a computer and / or MRI and a bone scan.

The chances of recovery are good.
Therapeutic comes with a benign or a limited region of a teratoma, the surgery alone questioned. In all other cases, it is usually performed as an adjunct to surgery to chemotherapy. Radiotherapy is usually less effective. Depending on the rate of long-term cure is independent of the malignancy as well as the spread of the respective teratoma. It is about 70 to 100 percent.

Children Cancer - Teratoma

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Acai Fights Cancer Cells - How the Super Berry Heals Cancer

!: Acai Fights Cancer Cells - How the Super Berry Heals Cancer

Unknown to many, the acai berry prove to be an ancient blessing to peoples in Brazil, particularly in its swampy rainforests. Many aspects in the lives of the native residents were ameliorated. Physically, they were healthy with their strong immune system. Mentally, they were alert. Finally, they seem to live longer than people in the industrialized cities.

The more than 300 kinds of antioxidants discovered in one acai berry prove to be very helpful especially in health and medicine. With the finding of the presence of vitamins, amino acids, flavanoids, and essential fatty acids in the berry, scientists have finally understood why the acai berry, a staple food of the natives, is able to deliver good performance to the health and body.

Vitamins A, C, and E are just three of the several vitamins found in the berry. These vitamins are crucial to the health of the eyes, pulmonary and respiratory systems, and to the skin, cells, and tissues. No wonder natives look youthful even in their advanced years.

Flavanoids, carotenoids, and selenium are key agents in forestalling and treating cancer cells. These antioxidants block the oxidation reactions by swallowing up or vanquishing the free radicals, one of the contributing factors to cancer apart from diet, age, occupation, genetic predisposition, and impulsive and determined mutations.

The University of Florida was among the first to initiate study on the acai berry and its anti-carcinogenic properties. When the pulp of acai berry was concentrated into 6 types and tested on leukemia cells, 4 of them displayed activities that induced cancer cells to apoptosis, or the phenomenon of cells to commit suicide. About 35% to 85% of cancer cells died. These findings make many cancer patients hopeful in their plight. Although scientists admitted that these results are not conclusive, they have also not brushed off the potency to mimic the effects of acai's antioxidants on real cancer patients.

Acai Fights Cancer Cells - How the Super Berry Heals Cancer

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?

!: How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?

Signs and symptoms

Overall, the most common symptoms of pancreatic adenocarcinoma include loss of appetite - of - and underweight, and irritation in the stomach and nausea. As these are fairly non-specific symptoms, and there is often a delay in reaching the final diagnosis. The most common physical sign of pancreatic cancer is jaundice, with or without associated with itching. Prior to medical evaluation often requires a high index of suspicion by the patient or by working in the medical field.


Often, the results of the laboratory bibirubin high (yellow pigment found in serum), and elevated liver enzymes functions. The California 19-9 Marker, Lewis blood group related mucin, often elevated in Adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, but its use in screening or diagnosis of cancer at the present time is not an acceptable practice. 19-9 California high results may tend to be associated with (but not always point), and large-sized tumors with low prospects surgical resectability. Use of this label is the most universally accepted as a running within a certain person, to help reflect the stability or progress of the cancer.

Starting studies

The main reason for the departure of pancreatic cancer is an attempt to chart the best course of treatment, especially to help decide whether the patient is a candidate for surgery partial excision. There is a great deal of controversy and volatility in these areas; there is institutional, geographical and even differences in views as to the correct approach in this regard to the starting techniques. Also, there may be a significant change in the level of experience of the operators and residents of a particular procedure - and so (and perhaps rightly) color Foundation approach in recommending that use studies. In the context of these understandings, following a brief overview of and I will try to point out some of the strengths and weaknesses of some of the current procedures.

Overall, in the United States, the dynamic cycle (or spiral) CT survey with the fourth and oral contrast to the media in the promotion and considers that this procedure of choice for the start of pancreatic cancer. With the latest equipment and experienced operators and residents, and this approach could detect up to 90-95% of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas. Tumours more than half inches one can usually detected. This CTS can predict unresectability about 90% of the time, but it is less accurate in predicting resectabilty surgical. Strength in this regard its ability to demonstrate local pancreatic involving the extension of arteries. This method is less reliable able to show the involvement of subtle local lines, for the detection of small liver or Metastasis to pick Lymph node involvement.

Transabdominal ultrasound procedure is the most popular outside the United States, where more experienced operators and the general patient population - may be less of obesity - a big problem in photography through the structures of the abdomen. In the hands of experienced, with a thin well with the patient and equipment, and this approach could ultrasound often picking up smaller tumors, which are even found by the CT procedure.

Two other ultrasound procedures are of the memorandum. The endoscopic ultrasound (ultrasound through a tube placed down one) can be very good at finding small tumors in the pancreas. Laparoscopic and ultrasound (ultrasound through a small tube through the abdomen into the region of the pancreas) is a sensitive liver and peritoneal participate, without having to resort to surgery complete.

Before operative tracking X-ray imaging (sightseeing contrast dye placed in the selection of the arteries) is recommended by some surgeons, in spite of the introduction of spiral CT has provided a competing option.

CT or ultrasound - guided percutaneous biopsy (via needle) can regain some of pancreatic tumor tissue for histologic (microscopic) to watch without requiring full surgery. There is some concern about the risk of unintentional "seeding" of the tumor in the peritoneum with this method, but some experts believe that the risks outweigh the potential harm involved in selected cases.

Often Foundation will have a coordinated approach to the diagnosis and departure for pancreatic cancer. For example, in the spiral CT procedure can be done first. If there seems to be tumor and it may be resectable, the next step may be laparoscopy (for the direct perception) - perhaps with peritoneal washes (to check for malignant cells in the peritoneum) and with or without Laparoscopic ultrasound exam. If the evidence found unresectability, percutaneous biopsy can be done, just to prove the diagnosis and assistance in medical treatment Planing. If there is no evidence of unresectability found, and then the whole process of surgery in the abdomen may usually entails further evaluate the clinical situation - and even if finally pointed to move forward in the most appropriate surgical procedures.

How is Pancreatic Cancer Diagnosed?

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Monday, October 31, 2011

The 2011 Report on Pancreatic Cancer Drugs: World Market Segmentation by City

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This report was created for global strategic planners who cannot be content with traditional methods of segmenting world markets. With the advent of a "borderless world", cities become a more important criteria in prioritizing markets, as opposed to regions, continents, or countries. This report covers the top 2000 cities in over 200 countries. It does so by reporting the estimated market size (in terms of latent demand) for each major city of the world. It then ranks these cities and reports them in terms of their size as a percent of the country where they are located, their geographic region (e.g. Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, North America, Latin America), and the total world market.

In performing various economic analyses for its clients, I have been occasionally asked to investigate the market potential for various products and services across cities. The purpose of the studies is to understand the density of demand within a country and the extent to which a city might be used as a point of distribution within its region. From an economic perspective, however, a city does not represent a population within rigid geographical boundaries. To an economist or strategic planner, a city represents an area of dominant influence over markets in adjacent areas. This influence varies from one industry to another, but also from one period of time to another.

In what follows, I summarize the economic potential for the world's major cities for "pancreatic cancer drugs" for the year 2011. The goal of this report is to report my findings on the real economic potential, or what an economist calls the latent demand, represented by a city when defined as an area of dominant influence. The reader needs to realize that latent demand may or may not represent real sales.

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Pancreatic Cancer

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This handbook details advances in pancreatic cancer research that have a profound and lasting impact on the field. It features the work of authors who are the very best in their respective fields and will have widespread appeal among clinicians, pathologists and basic scientists who are now struggling to understand this complex and rapidly expanding field.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pancreatic Cancer - One of the Deadliest Cancers

!: Pancreatic Cancer - One of the Deadliest Cancers

The American Cancer Society predicts that, in 2007, about 37,170 people in the United States will be found to have pancreatic cancer and about 33,370 will die of the disease. Pancreatic is one of the deadliest of all cancers with one of the lowest survival rates. According to the American Cancer Society, only about 5% of pancreatic cancer patients will be alive 5 years after the cancer is found. Even for those with local disease (it has not spread to other organs), the 5-year relative survival rate is only 16%.

Many people don't know what pancreatic cancer is because they are not familiar with the pancreas. The pancreas is a gland found behind the stomach. It is shaped a little bit like a fish. It is about 6 inches long and less than 2 inches wide. It extends across the abdomen. The pancreas serves two functions. It breaks down the fats and proteins in the food we eat so the body can use them. The pancreas also makes hormones to help balance the amount of sugar in the blood.

While pancreatic cancer can strike anyone, the American Cancer Society has identified several risk factors for pancreatic cancer:

* Almost percent of pancreatic cancer patients are older than 55.

* Men have this cancer more often than women.

* African Americans are more likely to have this cancer than are whites.

* The risk of this cancer is higher among smokers.

* There may be a link with eating a lot of red meat and pork, especially processed meat (such as sausage and bacon).

* Very overweight people are 20% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer.

* Pancreatic cancer is more common in people with diabetes.

* Some chemicals such as certain bug sprays, dyes, or gasoline products may raise the risk of this cancer.

* Cancer of the pancreas seems to run in some families. It seems to account for about 1 in 10 cases.

Some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, according to the American Cancer Society are:

* Pain in the belly area (abdomen) or in the middle of the back is a very common sign of advanced pancreatic cancer. Again, such pain is often caused by something other than cancer.

* Losing weight (without trying) over a number of months is very common in patients with this cancer. They may also feel very tired and have a loss of appetite.

* If the cancer blocks the release of the pancreatic juice into the intestine, problems such as trouble breaking down fat can result. Stools might be pale, bulky, greasy, and float in the toilet. Other problems may include nausea, vomiting, and pain that tends to be worse after eating.

* The doctor may find that the gallbladder is enlarged.

Many patients are treated with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy to prolong their life. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms, you should contact a doctor for testing. Early diagnosis and treatment can help increase your chance of surviving pancreatic cancer.

Pancreatic Cancer - One of the Deadliest Cancers

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreas is responsible for the production of insulin that regulates blood sugar levels in the body. All those who know that diabetes is the importance of insulin in the body (and hence the importance of the pancreas) knows. Pancreas produces pancreatic juice, which aids the digestion of food. occurs when the abnormal growth of cells (malignant cells) of the pancreas is called pancreatic cancer. As with other types of cancer Pancreatic cancer is life threatening.

Cause of cancer of the pancreasCancer

Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of those still, for the elderly (usually those older than 60) occurred. Chronic pancreatitis caused by the consumption of large amounts of alcohol can be used as precursors of action against cancer of the pancreas. Some people tend to pancreatic cancer, genes and family history, but no concrete evidence seems to suggest one or the other. In general, pancreatic cancer does not appear to be related to the familyHistory.

Pancreatic cancer

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Symptoms and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer

Again, none of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in order to give the ad confirmation of pancreatic cancer. abdominal pain, fatigue and loss of appetite are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer, but this can truly different from many things that can not even think that this could be caused by pancreatic cancer are caused. If you are skeptical and want to make sure that everything is OK, you cancan always consult a qualified veterinarian, your fears. Jaundice is another symptom of pancreatic cancer, but this can have other causes. So really, it is proper testing and diagnosis to detect pancreatic cancer. The doctors would go in order for a urine test (for bile) and a blood test as a screening test for early pancreatic cancer. These tests suggest pancreatic cancer, you may need x-rays and other tests (to be fit as a replacement partDoctor).

The treatment of pancreatic cancer

As with any type of cancer, the survival rate of cancer of the pancreas is on how early you will be able to understand the symptoms and diagnosis of pancreatic cancer controlled. The treatment of pancreatic cancer depends on tumor size, tumor stage and your overall health. An important consideration is the size of the tumor and whether it is localized around or dissemination. For cancer of the pancreas is the best treatmentThe removal of the tumor with surgery (and is a major operation). Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are other treatment of pancreatic cancer.

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Pancreatic cancer - Possible causes

Pancreatic cancer is more common in Western countries. Recent studies show an alarming statement of an increase in incidence. The main cause of concern for pancreatic cancer, the relative resistance to conventional treatment and associated with increased mortality. 2004 alone saw the deaths of 31 200 Cases of pancreatic cancer deaths in the United States. In the UK, cancer of the pancreas 11 most common cause of cancer.

Pancreatic cancer is one of thesefatal disease, it is essential to find out more, especially on the causes and risk factors. More importantly, it must determine the causes of avoidable disease. Since prevention is better than cure, especially if the cure is far away, or almost anywhere in sight.

Pancreatic Cancer


Pancreatic cancer - Possible causes

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There are several causes of pancreatic cancer, but the division is one of the greatest causes of inherited and acquired or genetic causes or risk factors for pancreatic cancerCancer.

Genetic cause:

A genetic predisposition or a link is found in nearly 1 in 10 Cases. Genes are made on the previous generation, and then to develop in the lives of adults with cancer. There are two groups of genes that every individual inherits from their parents. Each set belongs to each of the parents. Well, when in the Case of mutant genes inherited from father to cancer related gene, other genes are inherited from the mother intact, then theIndividuals can go in life, without a specific pancreatic disease. But if the individual is made on the risk factors associated with cancer of the pancreas, the normal gene from the mother to be damaged also linked inherited. Now the individual in question has two damaged genes and therefore can become a real clinical Case of cancer.

Risk factors:

Risk factors are things that can cause an accelerated realization of the disease. Smoking, age,Religion, sex, ethnicity, occupational exposure to chemicals and metals industries, diabetes, obesity, high fat diet, etc. are all part of the list of risk factors.


Cigarette smoking is high on the list of risk factors. Smoking not only causes predisposes to adult disease, genetically inherited cases, but also that the outbreak of the disease in much younger age. Smoking shall be due as much as 25% of cases. The smoke has reached a whole is asreduce or completely stop the cause of inherited cancer genes.


Typically, the seventh generation seems to be the favorite to age onset of disease, particularly among the 60-80 years.


Men are at risk of developing this deadly disease than women.


The African-Americans were more likely than whites to compare.

Industrial safety:

People who are exposed to the chemical and metalGiven the industry for much longer periods of time were for the development of cancer.


If diabetes in an adult is long-lasting, can predispose to pancreatic cancer. Diabetes is also a clinical sign of pancreatic cancer.


unhealthy eating habits are promoted for a long time as a common cause of cancer. A diet that is concentrated in red meats, nitrosamines, fried and junk food is dangerous. the regular intake of fruits andFresh vegetables should help to reduce the risk.


Although it has nothing to do with religion, in particular, was able to show the Ashkenazi Jews have a higher incidence of this disease. This may be due to the fact that (BRCA2), which is a mutation in the gene for breast cancer by several generations of Ashkenazi Jews from well-known.


This is another significant risk factor that predisposes not only to the possible causes of pancreatic cancer, but also many otherand serious chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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